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Kavala map GREECE – Detailed map of Kavala

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Kavala map

Kavala is one of the most organized prefectures of the country with exceptional tourist substructure for both winter and summer vacations. The picturesque settlements, the cosmopolitan capital, the natural sites, the historical sightseeing and the hospitable inhabitants shall enchant you. The prefecture of Kavala belongs to the geographical district of Macedonia and is surrounded by Drama in the north, Xanthi in the east, Serres in the west and the Strimonikos gulf and the gulf of Kavala in the south. The prefecture of Kavala has 136.000 inhabitants. Kavala, the capital and port of the homonymous prefecture, is an extremely picturesque town with an intense eastern character. The medieval castle, the old tobacco storehouse, the town hall, the municipal library, the municipal museum, the turkish building Imaret, the bridge Kamara, the quarters Panagia at the old town, the churches of Panagia and Agios Panteleimonas, the male monastery Agios Syllas and the sand dunes at the region Aspri Ammos are some of the sightseeing of the very promising town of Kavala.
Wandering around the beautiful prefecture you will come across Eleftheroupoli, a beautiful hamlet, Keramoti, a scenic fisherman’s village, Loutra Eleftheron, a secluded coastal village and Nea Iraklitsa, a cosmopolitan tourist resort with impressive beach. Furthermore, the coastal villages Nea Karvali and Nea Peramos as well as the hamlet Hrissoupoli are few beautiful settlements of a beautiful prefecture. However, the most interesting sightseeing of the prefecture is the historical and archaeological site of Filippi with the archaeological museum, not to mention the magnificent mountain Paggeo, an impressive natural site, organized with shelters and ski center. Seize the opportunity to explore the prefecture of Kavala and admire its every natural, historical or archaeological site.

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